Photoshoot Info Silpa S Photoshoot Info Silpa S

When Was The Last Time You Were Photographed?

Sometimes life gets busy and you get on a roll with the daily to-do's, only to realize later that you never got a chance to capture that moment of your little one dancing. I've had the pleasure of shooting with some dancers more then once. I love seeing the same dancers again, it's like seeing an old friend. It's not just the dress that changes it's the dancer themselves. Because I'm sure you know how fast they grow up.  <3

So sound off! When was the last time your dancer was photographed. Leave your answer below.  :)

Featured Dancer: Leah

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Photoshoot Info Silpa S Photoshoot Info Silpa S

So How Do Your Photoshoots Work?

So what is a photoshoot all about, how does it work? I've never had my photos taken before, what is it like on a photoshoot? I love your dance photos but I don't think I am a good enough dancer to do that.

These are all questions and comments I have heard from dancers. Can you relate to any of those questions? If so have you checked out my website recently? I have a whole section on there describing what my shoots are like and a behind the scenes video from a photoshoot.

Head on over and take a look →

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